New report on equines highlights need for improved registration across the EU
The Donkey Sanctuary partnership with Eurogroup for Animals launched an important project to ensure the EU’s 6 million horses and 1.5 million donkeys are covered by species specific legislation. The recommendations have now been published in a ground breaking report titled Removing the Blinkers.
A lack of knowledge on the EU equine sector has restricted the development of legislation that meets the needs of these animals and their owners. The report will begin a conversation on the size, scope and position of the equine sector in the European Union. Many donkeys need care and protection from a life of suffering and neglect, whilst others have a vital role to play in human survival and happiness.
As members of Eurogroup’s Equine Working Party The Donkey Sanctuary lobby through them to help charities like ours campaign at the European Parliament to drive change, including speaking on behalf of all equine charities at Eurogroup’s event in Brussels last year. The development of this report aims to highlight the value of the equine industry to Europe, and discuss what steps can be taken to safeguard both the industry and the welfare of the millions of horses and donkeys involved.
Andy Foxcroft, Director of Care and Welfare says: “Currently there is no specific EU legislation in place to safeguard the welfare of Europe’s equines despite the contribution of equine industry to Europe’s economies. The report aims to analyse and recommend how legislation can better protect these animals”.
Recommendations have been released made from this project specific to; The European Commission, The Food and Veterinary Office, The European Commission and Competent Authorities, Competent Authorities and Equine sector bodies. The recommendations from this report demonstrate how legislation can better protect these animals that play a myriad of roles within our society.
PRESS RELEASE from The Donkey Sanctuary, UK
Issued: 17 June 2015