You may have read in previous newsletters that The Donkey Sanctuary Cyprus receive enquires, advice requests and welfare concerns from all over Europe, as well as those in Cyprus. Whenever possible, we collaborate with other organisations in other countries to try to get help to donkeys in need.
Recently we were able to assist a donkey on Naxos Island, Greece. Bouboulina, an elderly donkey, had been rescued by Naxos Animal Welfare Society as she had extremely badly neglected hooves and was in very poor condition.
One of NAWS members, who we know, has good equine experience and took Bouboulina to her home to begin the long road to recover. Having no farrier on the island, a very experienced one came over from Crete to deal with the hooves. Medical advice and support was provided by ourselves and the Greek Animal Welfare Fund, whom we work closely with.
Bouboulina improved dramatically although due to her age, she did require daily medications to treat her arthritis. Over time, the situation changed for the lady caring for the donkey, as well as Bouboulina requiring regular hoof trims. The question was, how do we help?
As you can see in the photograph, Bouboulina's hooves and body condition were now in a very good shape and she was fit to travel. After a lot of phone calls and emails, health and travel documents were arranged, and transport was organised to take her to a small Holding Base on mainland Greece. She travelled really well and is now settled in her new home. This was truly a team effort by everyone involved and the result is one very contented donkey!.