A big change for Fytos
In our winter newsletter we mentioned Fytos who arrived with quite a lot of health problems. A 30 year old stallion, he was extremely underweight due to severe dental problems, had a respiratory problem and large infected wound on his hindquarters caused by Magpies. The poor old boy was in a very sorry state but we soon learned he had a tough, determined nature. After sorting out the problems with his teeth, tending to his wound and slowly increasing his food, he had a new lease of energy.
Being a stallion he had to live separately from the other donkeys and we made him a nice big paddock using electric fencing. Well it didn't take him long to work out how to escape by pushing the plastic fence posts!
Eventually we had room to put him in a more secure area and although he made very good progress with his health and weight, we were concerned about castrating him due to his age.
It took quite a few months to get his weight up and then came the day for the operation. Well that determined nature paid off as the operation went very well and he recovered quickly. He's now in our Oldies group causing havoc and enjoying life to the full.